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1 September 2006 Comparing survival and cause-specific mortality between resident and transient bobcats Lynx rufus
Terry L. Blankenship, Aaron M. Haines, Michael E. Tewes, Nova J. Silvy
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Numerous studies have analyzed bobcat Lynx rufus survival in temperate regions of North America. Our study compared survival and cause-specific mortality rates of resident and transient bobcats in a subtropical region of southern Texas in the United States. Our objectives were to estimate seasonal and annual survival rates and cause-specific mortality rates for resident and transient bobcats, and to evaluate differences between resident and transient bobcats. We conducted the study on the Welder Wildlife Foundation Refuge in San Patricio County, Texas. We radio-monitored 30 resident (15 F, 15 M) and 23 transient (9 F, 14 M) bobcats from 31 December 1993 through 1 January 2004, with 19 transients being subadult bobcats and 26 residents being adult bobcats. Annual (P = 0.09) and seasonal (P > 0.53) survival rates did not differ significantly between male and female resident bobcats. Seasonal survival did not differ for resident (P = 0.64) and transient (P = 0.72) bobcats. Resident bobcats had a higher (P < 0.01) annual survival rate (Ŝ = 0.88, SE = 0.04) than transient bobcats (Ŝ = 0.26, SE = 0.14). Resident bobcats had a higher rate (P = 0.04) of harvest mortalities, whereas transient bobcats had a higher rate (P = 0.01) of vehicle-caused mortalities. Other forms of mortality did not differ between resident and transient bobcats (P ≥ 0.15). Survival rates for bobcats seem to be lower outside the refuge environment. Data presented in this study will be helpful in assessing the viability of bobcat populations through population modeling.

Terry L. Blankenship, Aaron M. Haines, Michael E. Tewes, and Nova J. Silvy "Comparing survival and cause-specific mortality between resident and transient bobcats Lynx rufus," Wildlife Biology 12(3), 297-303, (1 September 2006).[297:CSACMB]2.0.CO;2
Received: 14 October 2004; Accepted: 1 April 2005; Published: 1 September 2006
Lynx rufus
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